Submit Your Blog Post: Do You Have A Post You Would Like To Have Published On This Site?

Let’s face it, having your content out there telling others about you and your website is a great win-win for everyone. My site receives a great on target blog post, you receive some buzz about your business and best of all my visitors receive a little more education about decorating their homes.

I do have some guidelines that must be met in order to have your blog posts and content published on this site. They are below:

1. Content must be 100% unique. The content you would like me to add to my site must not be scraped from other sites, cut and pasted from a Private Label Rights website or club or used over and over and over on other websites, including article directories. A human is reading this so a human should be writing it!

2. The topic of your post must be 100% related to interior design and decorating. There are ways to weave off topic subjects to work with this subject and it will be up to the author to make this happen.

3. Any photographs used must not be scraped or illegally obtained. You must have rights to use the photographs and give permission to to use those photographs.

4. The publisher of this site, me, has the right to refuse any post for any reason.

5. The publisher of this site, again me, will check all links outbound from the blog post and if any site is deemed not trustworthy or not on topic to the post, it will not be published.

6. Once a blog post is sent and accepted, no further changes will be made to the content or the layout look of the post.

7. I, the publisher, reserves the right to add advertising or marketing around the content of the blog post, as I see fit, that will be directed towards our advertisers or our own products.

8. If an article/post is refused, please do not attempt to resubmit under a different name, different website address or under false pretenses.

9. All links out from posts will be checked periodically. If a site being linked to changes or becomes non-functioning, the publisher reserves the right to maintain the blog post while removing the outbound link. After a linked website is determined to be non-functioning the blog post may be rewritten to better suit this websites readers.

10. A maximum of 3 outbound links will be allowed in each post.  Those 3 links can be directed to one site, multiple pages on one site or 3 different sites. Keep in mind good neighbor practices because ultimately the better you write and link to good resources, the better the reader will like your message.

11. All blog posts must be written in English, must be grammatically correct, all spelling errors checked and corrected and over 600 words. The  more details and “meat” you can provide to our readers the more readers YOU will have!

12. Each post will be published within 1 week of receipt.

13. Each post will be linked from the main home page in a list of “New Posts” while it is the fifth (5th) newest post.

14. Each post will be added to a directory of posts based on the category for which it belongs.

15. Each post will be interlinked from post to post based on the category and/or key words or ideas within the content of the blog post.

16. Each post will be promoted to outside channels exactly the same as every piece of new content is promoted for Any promotion you provide will only benefit your content. Bad or negative techniques used by you or your associates will have your links removed and you banned from this site.

17. Time is money, or so they say. And the time involved for me to add your words to my website is between 45 minutes and one hour. All guest blog posts will incur a fee of $50 per post for the time it takes to edit; verify links, spelling, grammar, plagiarism of content and photographs; set up categories; link and interlink; and promote to various channels. If you are going to be a regular contributor we will discuss a reduced fee per post.

Please submit your blog post request through our contact form below. Do not include the post in the email. A separate email will be sent to you requesting the details and format for your post.

Owner & Publisher

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