Creating A Princess Room

More girls these days desire to be little princesses. The commercials are numerous and the sale at the local bedding store is tempting. Creating the perfect princess room is easier than it may seem. Although I say it is easy, it does take time and effort.

Planning As with any project, extensive planning is needed if you are going to pull off any project. Planning on colors, decorations, furnishings, and bedding is imperative to the success of your project from start to finish.

Colors A princess room is going to be majority pink. Pink is associated with pretty little princesses and this too will go well with your little girl’s room. Plan on pink and shades of pink for this room. Pink is a soft and pleasant color and it appeals to the soft and feminine nature of young girls.

Decorations This is where your imagination comes in. Think of anything that is fairy tale related. Think of an enchanted castle where the princess resides. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be about fairy tales. Your little girl is a princess in your eyes and you can create the room according to how you see her. Create a new style of princess. One that has flowers and animals and treasures. Decorating your little girl’s princess room will be easy when you decorate it according to how you see her. Some items that are great for a beautiful princess room are accent pillows, throws, stuffed animals, flowers, mirrors and more.

Furnishings Replace your daughter’s old furniture (ex: chest drawers, night stands, desks) with unfinished furniture. Prime the furniture with a decent primer and paint it pink as well. You could alternate the pink and the white, whatever your tastes prefer. This will give your princess’ room a custom and more personal feel to it. A simple chest drawer, night stand, book case and desk will be sufficed for the room. Depending on size, you can pick and choose which pieces to include.

Bedding The bedding will provide the finishing touches on this princess room project. Choosing the right bedding is also imperative to the livelihood of this room. Try to choose one with a similar theme. There will be lots to choose from since the princess theme is a popular choice for most little girls. Also keep comfort in mind. A nice soft cotton comforter set will give your little princess the extra royal comfort she deserves.

As stated earlier, this project will take some time, energy and a little work to make it successful. If you wish to get your daughter involved, do so. She will more than likely enjoy being a part of this project.


Rhonda Morin, owner of and author of The Decorating Bible, enjoys writing and teaching others how to decorate their homes their way online.


Copyright (R) Rhonda Morin, Article may not be reprinted without permission and may not be reprinted without author byline including the active links.

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