Dear Rhonda:
I want to make my spiral staircase look like stone and do some stone paint effects on the walls like an old castle, have you ideas on the subject.
Yes! You should get a book called The New Paint Magic by Jocasta Innes. It is very informative about how to get those faux looks for stone. It has recipes for paint and gives you step by step how to do it. Be creative and add some fun stuff to the staircase. I think it is a great idea and I applaud you for your creativity!
Dear Rhonda:
I recently purchased a home that the previous owners stucco’d all the walls of the house. Large, thick globs of it. Can you possibly offer me some insight as to how to remove it? It was put right on top of sheet rock. Thank you so much for any help you can offer.
Hmmmm, I had to go to the text books for this one. And they didn’t tell me how to get it off. I think you are going to have to call a carpenter to remove it for you. If that is too costly then have you thought about sanding some of it down so it provides you with not so many globs and maybe a soft neat texture? I do think you need to call in the professionals for this one.